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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Admirals Club Etiquette

So here I am in the Admiral’s Club at O’Hare trying to pen out an introduction to this blog and cannot help notice the incredibly rude women about to sit down next to me.

There is nothing outwardly irritating about her right off. She is nicely dressed and in her mid 40’s. It is her mouth that has my left eyebrow twitching.

She is toting a small rolling carryon with a small briefcase affixed on top and does not seem to be able to manage this on her own which is why an airline employee is standing next to her asking where she would like the luggage. “Not too close to the table, but not too far away either” is what she told the bag toting employee. What does that mean?? Not to close, but not too far!! How about in your ass lady is I am sure what he was thinking. Being the cool and calm expert he was he found an acceptable spot for the roller and eagerly awaited his tip. He did receive a tip, however not the monetary kind. The tip he received was more in form of advice. She let him know to that he was to ensure someone would be back promptly prior to her flight to tote her bag back down to the terminal. Although he assured her he had made arrangements for the queens luggage this did not seem to satisfy her royalness. She continued her tirade letting him know that his confidence was based in serious misjudgment and he had better double check to ensure there were no foul ups. Unfortunately the employee had to leave with nothing but the sound of her voice in his head. This gentleman has my respect.

Oh…. Did I mention this entire exchange took place while she looked at her blackberry and not the person giving her assistance?

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